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Teams go to 16 places to check property prices
By Wang Qian (China Daily)
Updated: 2011-04-09 07:40

Monitoring most recent attempt to slow rising costs in home market

BEIJING - China's State Council has sent eight inspection teams to monitor the real estate markets in 16 places.

The action comes after local authorities across the country placed limits on the number of houses residents can buy, raised lending rates, set price caps on real estate and adopted other strict measures all with the same purpose: to tamp down on rises in property prices.

The first tasks of the supervisors sent out to monitor local real estate markets will be to listen to local residents' opinions about housing prices and to inspect the construction and quality of government-subsidized housing.

They will also look into the effectiveness of housing control policies, into the means used to keep tabs on the local officials who are supposed to stabilize housing prices, into the effectiveness of loan control measures and into the supply of land, according to Xinhua News Agency.

Among the places that will receive the supervisors will be Beijing and Shanghai municipalities, Liaoning, Jiangsu, Zhejiang provinces and Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region.

Even though the central government has spared itself no pains in trying to tame record-high rises in home prices and to control inflation, housing prices in most cities remain high.
China looks to take salt out of seawater
By Cheng Yingqi (China Daily)
Updated: 2011-04-09 08:01

BEIJING - China will quadruple its ability to desalinate seawater in the next 10 years, a senior marine official told a recent conference.

Speaking in Tianjin municipality on Wednesday at an international conference on seawater desalination, Chen Lianzeng, deputy director of the State Oceanic Administration, said the country plans to be able to produce from 2.5 million to 3 million tons of desalinated water a day by 2020.

China can now put out 600,000 tons of desalinated water a day, which is 20 times more than it could in 2000.

Seawater desalination has been used in 125 countries throughout the world to supply water to more than 100 million people.

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